Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 105

1:24 p.m.

Well, I am sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast and thinking about the triathlon I am doing later. It's going to start with a 25 minute swim at the middle school, followed by a 20 mile bike ride, and finished with a 2.5 mile run. This may sound aggressive, but I have been working like this for 2 weeks now. It feels great to be able to work hard again, and the soreness in my body at the moment is very much welcomed.

Well, I will hopefully post about my time for that triathlon later. I'm not going to go all out, but hopefully sub 2 hours 30 minutes.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 94

Wow, the form need a lot of work.
5:40 p.m.

Well. I made it. I'm not out in the clear yet, but I did it. I got to run! On Friday, June 11th, 2010, I ran after approximately 100 days of not being able to. I only got to run a half mile though. Still, I'm coming back. I'll be ready to run by the fall, I hope.

I'm going to be doing a lot of biking yet to get in great shape for this fall. I need to stop (or heavily reduce) the amount of sweets I have been eating.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 81

11:02 p.m.

Wow. I have been so busy in the past two weeks. I'm sorry about the lack of updates. I also realize that I need a few new pictures. This hasn't been as informative as I wanted it to be.

I have been falling behind with the therapy. On a good note, however, I feel like my feet are ready to run. I have to wait until June 11th for my next appointment.

The Curwood Festival 5K is on June 5th. I think I am going as a "coach". I have at least 3 runners right now. I'm going to try to carpool over there that morning, and I hope to get some pictures.

I probably won't blog until this weekend or next. That's because I have a lot of homework coming due, and exams are next week! School is almost over!

On a sad note, I can't believe that I'm almost halfway done with high school. I watched my brother and a lot of close friends leave this past Thursday. I cried during the Senior Tunnel. There, I said it. :-(

Well, Goodnight! 8 days of school left, and then I'm a junior!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 70

9:58 p.m.

Well, I can't believe it has already been 70 days. 10 weeks of an incredible journey, and I believe I am seeing the end. I may be able to run on June 11. I was told 2 days ago at my last appointment that if things look good in about 3 weeks (June 11) I may get to run! I'm so excited!

School is almost over too, finally. With the end of school though comes the graduation of my older brother, Josh. It has been a wonderful 16.5 years of looking up to him and respecting him. In a few months, he will be down on U of M's Ann Arbor campus, and I'll have to man up a bit.

Hopefully my x-rays will scan so I can put them on here. Fingers crossed!

Well, that didn't work.

The only complaint I have at this point is that my left big toe hurts and the ball of my foot is sore. I think this is because I walke on my other 4 toes for a while after losing the surgical shoes.

Well, track regionals are tomorrow. I'm watch. Hopefully next year I will be competing.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 61

12:54 a.m.

Holy cow. I am glad I took a 2 hour nap earlier, or I would die during school today. I went on my first bike ride today. IT WAS AMAZING! I went for 7.8 miles. Afterwords, I did some sit-ups and pushups (my toes are not bending quite tha far yet, so at least it was a good stretch for them). I'm going in for my next appointment on May 18, 2010.

I can't wait for the next 3 weeks to be over. I have had so much homework, and it is all due around the end of May. On the other side, Josh will be out of high school in less than 3 weeks. Hmm, I guess it is probably best to not wish these last few weeks away.

Well, I still have to stretch my toes, and then try to get some sort of sleep. Hopefully I only have a week left in these splints! That would be amazing! They are curling up and the velcro is starting to go bad.

Well, goodnight.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 56

1:09 a.m.

I can officially say that I am 8 weeks post-op. It seems like it has not already been 56 full days since I had surgery. My feet are, I'm happy to say, responding quite well to the constant wiggling and bending that I have been doing for about 10 days or so now. I have lots of motion back, but also a lot of pain when I try to go farther. Moving my toes without my hands, they don't do nearly as well, but at least they move.

I wish I could have started this post of with something like, "It's 1:09 a.m., and I just woke up in the middle of a dream..." The reality of this post is more like this: It's 1:09 a.m., and I am, in a living nightmare. I have been awake for 19 hours now. Welcome to the end of sophomore year.

I have my ten week appointment coming up on May 20th. I'm getting x-rays that day, and the Dr. is going to decide if I need these splints or not. I am really hoping I don't need them, or at least not during the day. That would be so awesome.

I also get to start biking (inside) today, but that probably won't happen due to a lot of homework and lack of sleep. I have a feeling that a large portion of the time I planned on using for homework tonight will be spent in a semi-comatose state on my bedroom floor. I'm so tired.

Well, I should pry try and scrounge up any sleep I can. Got to be kicking at 6:30 a.m.

Goodnight, All.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 52

5:49 p.m.

Wow. I can't believe it's been 52 days since surgery. It seems like yesterday that I was struggling to stand without crutches, and now I am standing for hours at track meets. I know I'm not perfect yet, but I feel pretty good. The only pain I have now is when I bend my toes.

I got sick last night. I don't know what it is, but my throat is sore, my nose is drippy, and my head hurts. Can't tell if it is allergies or something else. I just want to sleep, but I have a lot of homework.

At least we are having hamburgers tonight.